Random blabber.

Since last time (and mostly today) I've;
  • Completed yet another quarter here at Cal Poly, and I barely passed my bio class. But "D" stands for "D-iploma" right?! ;]
  • Went on my first real American Spring Break to Daytona Beach,Florida , which was.. just like in the movies! Not even kidding.. Spring Breakers everywhere, booze (yea yea), pool parties, beach parties, beach, fun, sun, just.. awesomeness.
  • Started the last quarter of my freshman year (so sad, I don't want to be a sophomore..), the so called Spring Quarter! I am taking Math 117 (with a grad student as a teacher, who seems more confused then the class), Stats 217 (thought it would be boring, but it's actually not that bad.. I like the teacher.), Coms 101 (Public Speaking class, LOVE the teacher - Miss Laidlaw!!! Imagine a mix of my aunt Robin and the mom from Gillmore Girls! Just.. amazing!) and Chem 111 (kill. me. now. -_-). Started off the quarter with only 7 units and now I have 17! Oh no, excuse me, 18! I think... I'm taking a work shop for Chem that I am pretty sure is worth 1 unit. Like the grad student that teaches that work shop, very sweet girl!
  • Concluded that Peppermint Mocha is my favorite Starbucks coffee.
  • Concluded that caffeine (especially 2 Grande Peppermint Mochas) makes me very inspired to be creative (duuh, I am updating my blog [!], and I also cut up two of my shirts I never wear and made them awesome!)
  • Cleaned my room after 4 weeks of clutter, packing and not unpacking my bag (and not to mention my desk which was probably overly cluttered since last quarter started..!) and realized that a clean room equals a harmonized Maddie (or maybe it's just the caffeine..).

  • Concluded yet again how much I love it here, but also how much I miss home. <3

Postat av: Anna

Sounds like you have an awesome good life!

2011-04-15 @ 06:47:33
Postat av: Jennifer


I love reading about what you're up to <3 (But why do you have to hate all the science classes? D: ) Your spring break sounds like it was awesome indeed ^^

Can't wait 'til you're back! <3

2011-04-15 @ 07:36:55
Postat av: Sis

Hurray, you're blogging! Miss you too! Enjoy the last time though cause sooooon you're home. ;*

2011-04-15 @ 09:30:38

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